Allama Iqbal Open University
Allama Iqbal Open University Latest Jobs in Pakistan 2023.
The Allama Iqbal Open University is accepting online applications for the following positions on a contract basis. initially for a year (extendable based on demand, funding, and satisfactory performance) for the project titled “SUSTAINABILITY OF DISTANCE LEARNING INITIATIVES INCLUDING TELE-SCHOOL” under “PANDEMIC RESPONSE EFFECTIVENESS PROJECT“. Male or female candidates may apply for these most recent government jobs in Islamabad and may be hired in Pakistan upon successful completion of the hiring process.
About Allama Iqbal Open University:
In Islamabad, Pakistan, there is a public university called Allama Iqbal Open University. It bears Allama Iqbal’s name. The university is the second-largest higher education institution in the world, with 3,305,948 students enrolled in courses and an annual enrollment of 1,121,038 students, the majority of whom are women. (2011).
Allama Iqbal Open University Latest Jobs in Pakistan 2023
List of Jobs:
- Transmission Controller
- Producer Transmission
- Production Assistant Transmission
- Sr Broadcasting Engineer
- Broadcast Engineers
- Sr System and Archive Engineer
- Sr Network Engineer
- 2D /3D Animator
- VIZ Artist
- Non Linear Editors
Number of Posts:
Qualification and Experience:
For qualification and experience please read the advertisement carefully.
Last Date to Apply:
The Last date to apply on these posts is March 27, 2023
How to Apply:
- The recruitment committee shall establish the eligibility of the applicants according to the terms and conditions of the advertisement, and they shall strictly shortlist and scrutinize the applicants according to the provisions set forth in the AIOU Recruitment Rules 2022.
- According to the Relaxation of Upper Age Limit Rules, 1993 (amended from time to time), the AIOU Services Statutes of 1978 shall relax the maximum age limit as set forth in the Rules.
- Candidates must submit their applications online via the AIOU Job Portal at www.aiou.edu.pk.
- Candidates must present the paid fee challan in its original form during the test or interview.
- Candidates must submit their applications online.
- The recruitment committee does not accept applications submitted in hard copy. However, the applicants will have to appear for the written exam or interview.
- Fore more updates please visit www.mycareerfinders.com
Islamabad, Pakistan